I got a call from a close friend today. We used to work together then early last year, she decided to quit and join another organization. We were quite close buddies and she is one of my few friends who understands my jokes and really enjoys being fun and doing crazy stuff... hehehe... a very cheerful person to be around with and a very wise person to look up to. Well, nowadays she hardly calls. Now that she moved to another office location and she is really tied up with workload. Even though we don’t work together, we still go out for lunch sometimes and have a good laugh chatting and gossiping. Hehe...
But today, I got a few miss calls from her at around 3pm. It was odd indeed for her to be calling me at this time of hour and cannot figure out what could possibly be the reason. I was unable to answer her calls just now as I was in a meeting with the big ‘Cat’. Yup! The same ole’ ‘Big Cat’ who never misses to fly all the way from Subang every single freaking Wednesday just to sit in a meeting with the team here which last maximum pun for about 2 hours. But sish! Who’s complaining right! And the pressure I was in the meeting just now was indescribable. Since my boss was not around as she was off for a holiday she don’t deserve (ehem)... while I on the other hand was stuck here and had to present him the numbers for quarter one closing and man does he have a lot of questions to ask. Feel like just screaming off at him telling him “Go and look for your own numbers you %(#&%@#...” but hey! Who’s complaining... again...
Anywaaay... when I got back to my workplace I got 3 miss calls from my friend. So I called her back and guess what... She asked me if I would be interested to join her organization. :) :)It seem that some girl in her team couldn’t take the pressure and the work load kononyer so she decided to quit. So, they are really short of hand to manage the workload and she asked me.... ME... if I am interested. Muahaha.. Teruja rasa la. Ada jugak orang teringat kat aku and asked me to join their organization. I must be good and hot.. ok! skip the hot part if you think it's not suitable. Sish!!
I was not sure at the beginning when my friend explained the job description to me. The way she explained it was in a very honest documented way sort of like she was reading from a script. Hehehe... that kinda got me nervous and honestly, I was not sure I would be able to pull it off. I was not sure if I would be able to perform up to the company’s expectation. That kinda scared me cos I was a bit intimidated and I was unsure of what I might be facing. I was interested, lets say 70% of me wants to just go for it and grab the opportunity and another part of me... the balance 30%... is asking me to just stay here.
I was confused and I was not sure if I should grab this opportunity. Now, I have been comfortably sitting my a$$ off here for almost 6 years and skarang rasa macam liat nak bergerak. I know my job well here and I love it.. Not that I don’t. But sometimes, you just feel like breaking free and exploring new things. I want to try something different and I want to work in an environment that I would be appreciated more. Hm... sad to say, working with people here sometimes can be a bit frustrating. I’m not saying the same situation won’t occur at this new place or elsewhere. There will always be annoying, pretentious, self-centered, arrogant, racist, sarcastic, rude, idiot, stupid, mean ... bla bla bla people anywhere you go, right? Thing is I just love this place and sayang sekali to leave it. Hmmm.. one of the reason why I turned down a few good offers. Like my friend, Ayen said... “You are just too comfortable there”. Sigh! He is right. I am in my comfortable zone here and even though I am not satisfied, not happy and bored... I still want to me here. I don’t want to grow old and retire here.... errr... that would be a nightmare.
Ayen gave me some good advices yesterday and after talking to him, I gained 90% confident then before and I want to grab this opportunity. He made it out clear to me about the possibilities of securing a better future for me and a good opportunity for me. He’s right about another thing, there has been so many times I was taken for granted. All those promises made that were never kept. I was often left disappointed, frustrated and miserably sad for not being appreciated for the things I have done here. But with this job, I see my future brighter out there and now I begin to realize I might not gain any further prospect if I remain here. It’s time to move on and time for a change.
(Big Sigh!) hope things work out well.
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