Monday, March 29, 2010

All went well ;) hehe

So, guess what? Last Friday, my friend called me up for an Interview today at 2pm. Only Allah knows how nervous I was. My first ever interview after almost 6 years. And after this 6 years... this morning baru I searched my room for my cert file :p It was all dusty and got a few tahi cicak on it also. I know. Total memalukan but what can I do, not that I get to attend interview often, right. Anyway, I was wearing one of my best office outfits. Even at the office this morning, a few of them asked me... “Whoa! Someone’s in a cheerful Monday mood today!!” Yeah right sister, I can’t tell them “Oh! I have an interview later” right :p buat bodoh jer la. You guys will know soon. Muahahaha..

Little did I expect I would be so nervous today... Not to mention since it’s quarter end, there were a lot of things to do. I wanted to do some case study about the organization but I was very tied-packed this morning until I even had no time to pee. Just in a while it was almost 1pm. Gulp! So here we go! Had to just adjust with whatever little knowledge I had about that company. Thank God some of Dad’s advice about the company helped.

And you know what, dah la I was nervous this morning and I was so expecting to be in a cheerful and calm mood, my stupid pretentious sad excuse for a boss gave me a heart-ache. Gosh! She can be such a pain in the a$$. And it was not even my fault to begin with but I got her ‘bossy’ email saying I should be more responsible in ensuring things were in proper documentation. WTF&&@!# Like la all these while she was an expert in what I was doing right. I was so pissed off with her and all I can do was ignore her. The funny thing is, after all the ‘being responsible’ emails she sent, she still had the cheek to call me out for lunch. Grrrr!!

Anyway, what is important for me right now is that the interview went well and I managed to stay calm, firm in answering the questions, stay confident and most importantly... I was being myself.

Hehehe.. sempat plak tadi aku singgah Queensbay just now after the interview :p Well, I had to do some shopping cos who knows, I would want to look at my best on my 'first day' at work nanti right... hehe. Besides, I was damn hungry cos I rushed for the interview straight after my half-day at work. So, where la got time to go for lunch just now. Some of my friends wanted to go for that oooo... delicious Nasi Melayu behind Penang GH cos they planned to visit one of our colleague who was admitted there. Sadly, I had to say NO cos, tak nak plak perut buncit later. I might accidently burp at my interviewer face and later cannot sit down comfortably. Hehehe.. I even told Sim just now that I sometimes yawn when I'm too nrevous. :P Thank God I was spared of such humiliation.

Hm... I hope I will get good news soon. But what ever it is, I hope the benefits will be up to my expectation.

Syukur Ya Allah..

1 comment:

Muffin said...

Thats super!
I cant wait to hear the good news!