Thursday, April 08, 2010

An unexpected result..

Long story cut short.. That interview I attended last week, well, I just found out from my friend that I didn’t get the job. Apparently they decided to hire another candidate who’s probably is much hotter then I am. Probably wears sexy mini skirts that reveals her sexy hairless legs and probably top unbuttoned shirt that reveals her busty lines. Sigh! What wild imagination. Makes me want to check out who this person who they think is much more qualified then I am...

The minute I heard the result from my friend... well, honestly speaking... I was heartbroken. I was really looking forward for this job. And the way my friend described the whole job availability made it sound like I almost got it already and attending the interview is just for a formality purpose. This sucks you know. I was too convinced that I would get it. I also drafted my resignation letter hoping that I just have to add the dates, sign the damn latter and throw it at my boss’s face. Well, the dream won’t come true. At least not now. Looks like I’m still stuck here. Working my same ole’ boring routine work and hoping for a change. Though I would be very much happy if ‘she’ who shall not be named resigns. I bet life would be much more simpler and happier.

1 comment:

lelakiterindah said...

fazi, just be cool, rilex, cheer up...mungkin tak der rezeki kat me ada tawaran lebih hebat d depan, insyaAllah