Sekarang nie memang aku tengah sibuk dengan year end closing. Aku dah berkemas tadi ingat nak balik, tapi entah.. teringat pulak nak bercerita kat sini.
Aidiladha... Tahun nie kami sekeluarga sambut Hari Raya Haji dengan penuh kesyukuran. Bersyukur kepada Allah SWT atas segajanya yang ada. Sederhana jer raya haji tahun nie tapi memang special. Paling syok skali, bila kami sekeluarga berpeluang duduk bersarapan bersama... Puttu mayam, kuah dalcha, kurma ayam, awam goreng kicap and daging merah.. Fuh! sampai terjilat2 pinggan. Syok jugak dapat menghadiri Majlis korban Nurul Islam. Setiap tahun kita orang pergi... Tahun nie pun lebih kurang sama jugak. Aku dapat tengok up close and personal bila dia orang 'eerrrggkkk' lembu tue. Alahai! masa nie la boleh tengok anak2 mamak beraksi ceh wah wrestling dengan lembu tue. Kecoh benar!! Hurm! saib baik tak kena tempat2 sensitive... AKu pulak menyesal sebab pakai kasut baru aku beli... Terjijak tahi lembu laaarrrrr... sabor jer la. Anyway, Raya Haji kali nie bermakna untuk aku.. lebih2 lagi bila dapat berjumpa dengan saudara mara yang hampir 3 tahun tak bertegur sapa, datang jugak dia orang beraya kat rumah aku. Pakcik aku teringat jugak nak mai melawat mak. Orang2 tua, biasa la.. cepat betul sensitive. Anyway, terkejut tengok how my cousins have grown to strong handsome man and beautiful young ladies. Dah 3 tahun mak balik haji. Aku tengok mak masa solat subuh pagi tue, basah pipi. I'm sure terkenang pengalaman masa kat tanah suci dulu. Mak perasan aku berdiri dok tengok, she turned and looked at me.. she smiled! Aku tanya knapa? mak senyum. Mak... I love you. Love you so much!
Well.. Christmas... for me is one of the most beautiful festive of the year. There's something magical about this festive. Not the thought of celebrating it... it's just the environment it creates. The love we see spreading around. We see people busy buying Christmas gifts for their friends and love ones and of after that everyone waiting anxiously to celebrate the end of year.
Happy 2008….. WATCH OUT FOR ME COS’ HERE I COME… (ehem! Ayat power)
Well, not to forget the mad sales at all major malls. Have you guys been to Parkson.. Gosh! Aku bleh jadi giler. hehehe.. tue yg ge beli this gorgeous hand bag and also this (augh!) beautiful pair of shoe. It was indeed love at first sight when I look and that beg. Tengah tak de duit pun, hurm... lantak la... sampai ujung bulan.. makan lotti lorrr.. Tunggu balik umah, hentam nasi sepinggan. Aduh! Diet fazi… diet…
I love the decorations during christmas. Setiap kali perayaan nie aku sure teringat masa aku ge Singapore dulu dengan my parents and kak Sida. I was in standard 3 and that time and masa tue it was Christmas there. Kan cuti sekolah, abah ajak kita orang ge jalan2. We stayed at Uncle Naina’s house in Everton Park. Cool place.. masa tue la. Skarang, I have no idea how it looks like. Anyway, we were there for a week and it surely felt so wonderful there.
2008 nie aku nak menyambut dengan penuh kesyukuran and full of hope for my future. Banyak perubahan yang menanti. Azam aku untuk 'stay positive' I will still carry... Good bye 2007.. thank you for all the wonderful memories. Another year closing... so fast. Rasa macam only yesterday aku sambut 2007.
2008 - I'm waiting for you.
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