Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Yesterday was my birthday… my 2*th (ehem) birthday. Hehe… I really felt so special and there was so much love showed to me. Ada jugak kengkawan yang tunggu midnight nak wish! So sweet…The firrrrrst person to wish me was my dear most beloved friend Zaini…my friend I keep close to my heart always. Hurm… He’s one of the few men I trust in this world and someone who I will always be there for. Zaini, thank you so much for all your wonderful words of wisdom, love, care and support and most importantly…. I thank you dearly for this most wonderful friendship we’ve built together... You’re Gr8 ;)
my best wishes was from Khalil too… a long lost friend all the way from Mumbai, India. He really understands me and give me advices and support everytime I am down. Too bad we can't chat too frequently.. usually we just chat through emails and YMs. Sometimes it's sweet of him to call and talk to me. I was suprised and at the same time, I was happy and glad to receive his birthday wish. Khalil, If only you were here. Gosh! how i wish you were. It will be so great to have a friend like you around. And also not to forget the wonderful wishes from my best buddies Guna and Sharon. Korang berdua nie memang giler la… hahaha… That’s why I love you guys’ alotz. Thank you for the sweet wishes… Rohani, Farnizah, Azida, Anisah, Simran, Francis, Fidah… Thank U.. Thank U.. Thank U for making my this year’s birthday a special one.
Sigh! Well, anyway, I had a good day yesterday. Kak Sida and I were on leave yesterday. Our initial plan was to take the day off, hang out at queensbay mall, have a good lunch at TGI Fridays, and go for a movie then go straight home and pretend like nothing happened. And all this is to be done just the 2 of us and no else show ‘know’… hehehe…it was a cool exciting plan and we were all prepared for it. It was Kak Sida’s plan actually. She asked me to take the day off and said that she wants to take me out the whole day. It sounded fun and not that we have not done it before ;) The best was the time all four of us sisters hang out together. I was looking forward for Kak Sida’s plan but not everything that we plan turns out just the way we want it to be. Kak Idah had to go for her 1st chemotherapy session yesterday and the whole process took half the day. In the end, I was really glad that I took the day off. At least I get to accompany kak Idah. Kak Sida joined us too.
It was the blood test in the early morning before breakfast. This is to ensure her blood content is good and then only can she start with the treatment. We had a talk with Dr Kelvin about the side effects of Chemo, the procedures, the dos and don’ts and also the stages my sis will have to go through. It’s a good knowledge for me to as I think it’s important for me to know the steps as well. This is an awareness I think everyone should take note too.
She was a bit nervous at the beginning. I can really see it in her eyes. The nurse gave her a medicine called ‘Aprepitant’ and asked her to wait for an hour before she can start her session. This medicine actually helps prevent the vomiting feeling and she have to continuously take it on the 2nd and 3rd day after the chemo. Semalam dia makan 125mg nyer, today and tomorrow pagi dia kena makan 80mg nyer. Hurm.. nurse tue kata ubat nie jer cost about RM300 per pack. Starting tomorrow pulak, dia kena ge hospital every morning to take her ‘Neupogen’ jab and she have to take this jap for 8 continuous day starting from the 3rd day of her chemo and this 8 japs cost about RM2k. Nie tak termasuk segaja macam jenis mak nenek nyer ubat lain. Banyak sangat process yang she have t go through.
After her 1st chemo session, she will feel the tiredness on the first few days.. at least about 4-5 days.. Then she’ll feel normal. After a few days of her chemo, her hair will start to drop and at this time, dia kena banyak makan makanan yang berkhasiat and kena bagi kuat badan dia. The chemo actually burns her good and bad cells as well… and so she will have to eat right and build her good cells again. Dia kena banyak minum air sebab badan dia kering.
Hurm… kalu nak cerita memang banyak sangat… To my surprise, semalam kami berjumpa dengan 3 cancer patient yang lain. There were these 2 women in their mid 40s with breast cancer jugak. Sorang tue removed her left breast completely and sorang lagi just removed the lump. Both of them were there for their 3rd session. Dia orang completely botakkan kepala, sorang tue ikat kepala dia dengan scaf and sorang lagi pakai rambut palsu. And the best of all, both of them were very positive and banyak bagi nasihat kat kak aku. Tengok dia orang berdua, kak nampak tak nervous sangat. I left her alone during the session. Tak nak la pulak ramai sangat dalam bilik tue as the whole chemo process will take at least 2 hours. Lagipun, dia dah dapat kawan yang dia boleh berkongsi perasaan. The nurses there were very nice too especially there was this one nurse called Karen. Memang baik betul dia orang.
Well… aku dengan kak sida tak tau nak wat apa… pergi la gurney lepak kat situ. Dia kata nak ceria kan aku on my birthday. Kami masing2 menyembunyikan perasaan kami. Aku tau, dia pun tak sanggup nak tengok kak Idah dalam keadaan macam tue. Tapi apalah daya kita kak. All we can do is be strong for her.
Sekarang nie, banyak pengalaman baru yang sedang aku alami. Aku hanya mampu mengadu kepada Allah untuk meringankan beban kami semua.

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