Friday, February 23, 2007

Masa Yang Telah Berlalu

Sorry for the long break… again :p

What can I do? Memang dah tak de masa untuk update Blog. As usual, work will get in the way, I’ve been extremely busy with new orders I have to manage and of course, my lady boss is back from Hajj. Are there any changes in her??? Eeerrr…. No comments. Not to mention how she was bragging about the time she was there… and guess what, she just bought is a small box of kurma and gave a cup of air zamzam to drink. Hurh!!! I’m stuck here. I have no intention of leaving this place. The work here is great. I can’t deny that. I love my job. It comes with a good pay, a respectable position and I have to admit, I am doing well in life after I join here. It’s just that, there will be sometimes, it will be one of “those days…” when you only had ONE nerve left in you and someone just got on it?!?! As it the day couldn’t get any worse. Walau apa pun, aku bertawakal jer. Sepanjang perjalanan hidup aku, aku banyak belajar untuk bersabar bila berdepan dengan orang-orang “negative” macam nie. These kinda people are the reason why this world can be such a sore place to live in. huh!!! Ada saja la masalah baru yang terpaksa dilalui. At the same time, ada jugak masalah lama yang dapat diselesaikan. That’s life, no pain... no gain.
Well, today is friday. My most favorite day of the week. Allah created each day to be beautiful, but for me, Friday is the most beautiful of all. Apasal?? Sebab esok cuti daa..hehehe. Dapat la aku rehatkan otak aku. Tapi minggu nie, memang tak rasa kepenatan bekerja sebab kerja pun just for 2 days. Laya Cina aku cuti sampai 5 hari. WOHHHOOOO… Syok btul. Dalam 5 hari nie, aku habiskan masa aku dengan sepuas-puasnya. I’m happy and satisfied.Apa aku wat?? Hehe

DAY1, Saturday 17th Feb 2007
Family aku buat planning nak makan malam besar. So, macan Din teringin nak makan chicken chop yang aku buat hari tue. Hehehe… aku ada jugak peminat. Naveer pun excited jugak bila tau makcik dia nak wat chicken chop. Tapi aku wat tak grand macam hari tue lar, buat salad dengan chicken tue jer. So, aku busy the whole morning until afternoon buat benda nie. Jumaat tue dah beli barang-barang kat Giant, hehehe… melayang lar duit aku. Tapi, aku excited nak buat and kalau benda yang aku excited nak buat, aku tak kisah sangat. Buat punya buat, malam tue, kita orang set meja kat luar halaman. Makan kat luar sambil berbual-bual. Syok betul malam tue dapat berkumpul ramai-ramai. I had fun and I enjoyed every minute of it. And best of all, everyone enjoyed the food, the atmosphere and the company.

DAY 2, Sunday 18th Feb 2007
The force is still strong in me but then again it was just a rest day.. since semalam dah dok berbual-bual, sampai lar pukul 3pagi. Hurm.. Dad was at home since morning, so there was nothing much I can do.. not much of activity I can think of. Termenung sana, termenung sini.. last sekali aku susun jigsaw puzzle, 750 pcs yang macan Din dapat, hadiah boss dia kasi. Aku susun sampai tak sedar time dah pukul 3ptg. Blekk...
I keep thinking about my best friend Sharon lately. Probably I was excited to know that she is finally coming back home tp Penang after 2 years being stuck in KL. She’s my best friend, my best buddy. Well, she’s the person to ever show me the meaning of true FRIENDSHIP. Aku kira bertuah sebab dapat bertemu dengan dia. Hehehe… rindu pulak time kami kerja bersama kat Intel dulu. Sharon is the first girl who I can call a good friend. Hurm… I’ve lost my trust in Friendship years ago after being back stabbed a few times by people who I thought were my friends. Until, aku tak dapat nak terima sesiapa pun sebagai kawan sejati… until Sharon came into my life. Hehehe… teringat aku time kami berdua buli Uncle Guna masa time dia baru join kerja. Kesian lar si Guna tue, kena saja dengan kami.

DAY 3, Monday, 19th Feb 2007
Pagi-pagi lagi dah sambung susun jigsaw puzzle tue…eeerrgghh!!! Tension aku tak dapat nak habiskan benda tue dah la 750 pieces lagi.. Kak Sida call ajak pe BJ complex. Aku ikut jer lar eventhough at first I was abit reluctant to go and was hoping to spend the day resting at home and hoping to finish at least ¾ of the puzzle.. hehehe… Addicted la pulak. Pusing punya pusing BJ tue, at the end I ended up spending $$ to buy myself a nice wrist watch. Aku suka sangat-sangat, dah la tue jam tangan tue diskaun sampai 40%. Apa lagi… on the spot jugak aku pakai.. hahaha. Mak goyang kepala jer sambil senyum tengok gelagat aku dalam kedai tue. Excited betul dapat beli something for myself that I like so much. Sort of like a reward for myself. Sekarang nie, aku tengok jam kat tangan aku nie, aku senyum jer :o)Malam tue kita orang keluar ge tengok wayang cerita Ghost Rider.

DAY 4, Tuesday, 20th Feb 2007
We made plans to go on a road trip to bukit Hijau earlier and surprisingly, it actually turned out well. Hurm.. cos 'Makcik Kocik' followed us. hehehe.. That 'mulut laser' can be a pain in the ass. Bloody hell for a 20 years old girl. But, We had to drag her along since her followed us. So, Bukit Hijau here we come. Pagi pukul 7pagi dah bertolak ke Bukit Hijau. Kami pe breakfast dulu kat Cherry Canai, makan roti canai perut sebelum bertolak. Tunggu la lebih kurang 30 minit untuk semua nak sampai. Hurmmm.. bosan kekadang bila ikut orang yang tak boleh come on time. Sabar jer la sebab tak nak rosakkan mood aku. Sampai jer semua orang, kami bertolak ge Bukit Hijau adalah sampai dalam pukul 10pagi. Sampai jer terus terjun. Tempat tue memang cantik tapi quite creepy jugak sebab suasananya nampak muram dan sayu jer. Aku tak fikir banyak nanti tak leh enjoy. It was fun until 'makcik kocik' spoiled my mood. Felt like pushing her masuk dalam air. Let her drown.. "Gosh! what was I thinking??" She is making me think in evil ways.

DAY 5, Wedneday, 21st Feb 2007
Badan aku letih in the morning tapi aku dah janji nak keluar ge Pantai Pulau Bentong dengan my family. Belum sempat nak habiskan sarapan, Kak Sida dah call. Kami keluar dalam kul 10.30pagi and dia kata kena singgah kat market Taman Tun Sardon for breakfast. A good place to have your breakfast. I kinda like the food there especially the bihun sup and teh tarik. Anyway, once our belly are fueled, we head to Pulau Betong.
Sometimes, I hate beaches.. especially if I din't make any plans to get my shoe filled with sand, my faced getting burned, my jeans getting socked.. bla bla.. Then again, it's just sometimes, Gosh! I was there unprepared not wearing proper attire. Furthermore, It was hot.. damn damn freaky hot. Sigh! After all the places we can relaks in Penang... we had to come here. Sigh! not that the place is not cool, it's just that.. the weather that day was exceptionally hot. The beach was nice though.. I took a few snaps of the waves and the beach.. but unfortunately, foe some reason I'm unable to upload the pictures here la. well, maybe some other day ya. We packed and head home. By the time we reached home, I was exhausted, my face dark and burned, my skin was extra 'coloured' and I stink of sea water. :p not exactly the what I had in mind when we planned it initially, but then again.. I did have fun. It was nice.
Malam tue sebelum tido, aku teringat balik on how I spent my 5 days holiday. Aku hepi and I'm satisfied. It's a well spent holiday indeed. Tersenyum jugak aku at the end.

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