Aku cuti sakit semalam. Tak berapa sihat badan. Asyik muntah dengan demam. Doktor kata badan aku tak cukup air and that I’m dehydrated. So, walaupun kerja banyak kat office, aku tak pe semalam. Call lar bagitau kat boss aku pagi-pagi sebab tak nak pulak dia buat kalut. Well, boss was not around yesterday sebab pergi jumpa customer dengan Iza. Memang la nie opportunity yang ditunggu-tunggu kita orang kat ofis. Hehehe. Bila jer boss tak ada kat ofis, kami-kami nie boleh la buat kerja dengan lega sket. Believe it or not, we manage to work faster and effectively and banyak benda yang boleh dihabiskan, Bad aura tue tak kan ada. Hehehe. Kira aku rugi jugak lar semalam sebab tak pe kerja.… bertuah betul lar department aku nie.
So, hari nie masuk kerja.. well, words can’t describe it. Memang lar kerja yang pending semalam banyak. Kalu aku tak mai, tak de prang lar yang nak load order atau nak close the sales. Aku nie kira macam Sales Tracker. I manage all the sales for our company for northern region and liaise with certain parties to get the orders in, load the order into the system, follow up and manage the order until the delivery is made and we have all the required documents to close the order. It’s a fun job. I get to meet a lot of people from different walks of life and sometimes it’s kinda entertaining too when you have to deal with your colleagues and also your customers. Tapi kekadang tue, memang ada yang tak kena. Everthing is not perfect.
Badan aku still tak beberapa sihat, tapi aku try to maintain jer. On the way to work, aku singgah kat kedai tosai beli milo kosong panas and roti bakar kosong. My mouth still feels dry, especially now since I’ve started to continue my “wonder pills”. Hehehe. Petang nanti ingat nak singgah kedai roti beli roti wheatbread.
I’m minding my own business, doing my work. Ada jer orang nak bagi sakit hati aku. For me, aku paling pantang bila orang cakap belakang aku, depan aku mulut manis. Whatever you have to say, you say it in front of me. Kalu ada apa-apa yang tak puas hati pasal aku, or if I did anything wrong of if I have offended them, apa salahnya kalu kata saja kat aku. AKu paling prefer kalu orang approach aku and inform me if I did anything wrong. Bagitau saja lar kat aku if tak puas hati dengan apa yang aku buat. For me, I think it’s healthy of you to just confront a person and inform them directly if you’re not happy or satisfied with what they did or how they treated you. Aku bagitau semua kengkawan aku yang aku rapat, “Please tell me directly if you’re not happy with what I did. Senang macam tue, aku pun boleh cuba untuk mengubah cara aku and it can actually helps to improve myself to be a better person and helps to maintain a good relationship as well. This is the same understanding I share with all my friends. Nie tak, when you thought you know that person very well and you thought they were your friend, sakit hati bila you terdengar mereka nie cakap belakang kita. Entah la, orang-orang macam nie belum matang, and susah nak cakap dan bagi paham. Mentality dia orang nie tak cukup masak and their state of mind are just until certain extend only. This is one of the many reasons why I hate working here.
So, hari nie masuk kerja.. well, words can’t describe it. Memang lar kerja yang pending semalam banyak. Kalu aku tak mai, tak de prang lar yang nak load order atau nak close the sales. Aku nie kira macam Sales Tracker. I manage all the sales for our company for northern region and liaise with certain parties to get the orders in, load the order into the system, follow up and manage the order until the delivery is made and we have all the required documents to close the order. It’s a fun job. I get to meet a lot of people from different walks of life and sometimes it’s kinda entertaining too when you have to deal with your colleagues and also your customers. Tapi kekadang tue, memang ada yang tak kena. Everthing is not perfect.
Badan aku still tak beberapa sihat, tapi aku try to maintain jer. On the way to work, aku singgah kat kedai tosai beli milo kosong panas and roti bakar kosong. My mouth still feels dry, especially now since I’ve started to continue my “wonder pills”. Hehehe. Petang nanti ingat nak singgah kedai roti beli roti wheatbread.
I’m minding my own business, doing my work. Ada jer orang nak bagi sakit hati aku. For me, aku paling pantang bila orang cakap belakang aku, depan aku mulut manis. Whatever you have to say, you say it in front of me. Kalu ada apa-apa yang tak puas hati pasal aku, or if I did anything wrong of if I have offended them, apa salahnya kalu kata saja kat aku. AKu paling prefer kalu orang approach aku and inform me if I did anything wrong. Bagitau saja lar kat aku if tak puas hati dengan apa yang aku buat. For me, I think it’s healthy of you to just confront a person and inform them directly if you’re not happy or satisfied with what they did or how they treated you. Aku bagitau semua kengkawan aku yang aku rapat, “Please tell me directly if you’re not happy with what I did. Senang macam tue, aku pun boleh cuba untuk mengubah cara aku and it can actually helps to improve myself to be a better person and helps to maintain a good relationship as well. This is the same understanding I share with all my friends. Nie tak, when you thought you know that person very well and you thought they were your friend, sakit hati bila you terdengar mereka nie cakap belakang kita. Entah la, orang-orang macam nie belum matang, and susah nak cakap dan bagi paham. Mentality dia orang nie tak cukup masak and their state of mind are just until certain extend only. This is one of the many reasons why I hate working here.
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