Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gettin' Evaluated

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me. It will be the day that will determine my performance level here at my company.

I will be having my CPE review for 2008 with my new lady boss. Just in case if you’re wondering “What the heck is CPE??” Well, it stands for “Commitment Plan and Evaluation”. The CPE system is all about keeping record of all goals and results committed and to be achieved for the coming year, to see if there are any achievements made or not by the employees. Their performance is later reviewed, evaluated and ranked from 1 to 4 based on the results.

If you are ranked as 1, then you are ‘Exemplary’… meaning that your performance is totally outstanding and that you are a role model to other employees and the company is damn proud of you... kinda exaggerating but it’s kinda like that. (ehem... someone like me for an example) Hehehe...
2 is ‘Good’… means that you’ve performed above the average, you have exceeded your target and you’re independent and reliable.
3 means you “Meet Requirements"... It’s when you have performed just cukup-cukup makan and you have met your targets. But dude, you watch out ok!
4 is ‘Unsatisfactory’... means your performance is not up to the company’s expectation. Malu je lah kan.

The rank will also determine our annual salary increment percentage as well. So, the higher you’re ranked, the higher the percentage.

So, I am going to be evaluated by my boss tomorrow and we will be discussing about my performance level for year 2008. I have made my justification and reviewed my plans and I am confident that my performance level is going to be as I have hoped for. Still, I am kinda nervous at the same time. This will be my first CPE review with my new lady boss.

You see, she just joined in July 2008 and I am not sure if she will be evaluating me according to my working performance and up to my expectation. I do understand that she is still new to the whole working environment here and I do assist her in many situations and in any possible way. But honestly, sometimes I find it just hard to work together with her. And believe me, I am not the only one around here who thinks so too. She’s a type of a person who doesn’t accept nor listen to your idea or opinion. What ever that she say or do is always the best for all of us. She doesn’t agree to any suggestions you gave her, she will not admit that your idea or suggestion might be correct or useful… and she certainly doesn’t listen to your explanation. Sometimes, during any discussion, She likes to speak so fast and she will talk about all sorts of issue and that's sometimes not related. It's kinda make you feel confused as to what she is trying to say. hehehe... Semua tengok bengong blue-blue jer kat dia. hehehehe... In the end, you ended up feeling frustrated, confused and demotivated sometimes. But one thing is for sure... she is a very determined person who doesn’t give up too easily. She will try hard to get what she wants and will push people to the extent when it comes to work. I often seek her help when it comes to escalating issues with higher people. You can say it is some of her skilled qualities.

Oh well, I hope things will be well tomorrow. Please pray for me :p

Friday, January 16, 2009

Chronicles of me

I know I have been silent for awhile now. It has been more then a month since my last update ya. Hm... Work kinda got in the way, especially during the month of December 2008.

Sayonara 2008
What can I say about 2008? Well, one thing is sure that I’m glad it’s gone. Well, hate to admit but it was quite an unfortunate year for me. I don’t mean to sound negative lah, but honestly, it kinda sucked. I think I don’t have ‘ong’ for year that ends with the no. ‘8’ kot? Gosh! I still remember 1998! Damn it! It was the most awful and lousiest year of my life. It was one of those years that you just wish to put behind you and not think about it anymore. Well, 2008 was not that bad though. There are some sweet and wonderful memories I have gained. What ever it is, 2008 is gone now and I am with open arms welcoming 2 0 0 9. I am looking forward to make the best out of 2009 pulak. It’s all about turning into a new leaf babe! And I am all out for it. Hehehe... I guess it’s how you make the best out of things you wish and desire. In the end, it doesn’t depend on what luck the year brings you but its more to how you make the best out of it. It’s all in you. Motive yourself to achieve greatest added value and you will be happy. Betul tak? Whoa... Aku bersemangat nie!
I have figured out a few New Year resolution for 2009. My resolution to ‘Be more focused and stay positive’ still remains. (psst.. one of them is to work on reducing my fat ass and ‘poofiness’. And blardly you Jay, poofy means fat you dongkey. And all these while I thought you said it to make me sound like I’m cute. @#%&$... Blardy fish you Jay. Poofy pun I comel ok :p

December was quite a hectic month for me. It was the year end closing and everyone went nuts and koo-koo in chasing and trying to close as much sales order as possible. Hey! It’s never easy being in the sales team for a large company. And especially when it comes to year end closing, I think people kinda hate U. Hehehe… Especially folks I work with from my main office. There will be a lot of chasing, order loading, delivering, checking ETA, monitoring shipment, warehouse stock count, billing, invoicing, capturing rev and GP, calling up customers, push JCF signing, push delivery, push invoice, push engineers, push customers, push your boss out the window... Wait! Is that in my job scope? oops! hehehe... But I tell you though, I have considered it few times ;) hahaha... Sneaky Devil!
But what ever the situation maybe, I would say working here is one of the best thing that has ever happened to me in my career path. It is all in good fun and it has been quite a wonderful experience working here. Sure at times, it can be stressful and you will be disappointed and frustrated, especially now that I am working under a new (yet another lady boss), life can sometimes be very very very, I quote again “V E R Y’ stressful. People are out there man to test your patience and how long you can put up with them. Working with brainless people is never an easy job. It takes lots of endurance skills (rolling eyes... hehe). But what ever it is, in the end you will always end up learning something new and gain more knowledge. Hehehe.. I remember once when we had this event going on, one of our customer called my Sales Rep a ‘loan shark’ cos she kept calling him and trying to persuade him to attend our events. Hihi... He did show up cos he said he admired her determination. Hahaha… we all had a good laugh out of it.

~ Ehm... I really didn't want to post this picture, but I need to show you how stressful I am. Sigh!

Me and My Family
Kak Ton will be back this Feb 10. Gosh! I miss her so much. Last time when she’s around, we hardly meet or even talk on the phone. Sometimes when she comes over to the house, we will share a light chat and after awhile, she will continue on chatting with mum and I will be busy doing something else or watching TV. But nowadays when she calls, I feel like talking to her for hours and look at her all the time through the webcam. The other day when she called, I was on the phone with her for so long not realizing that it’s a long distance call, until we started talking about makcik sebelah rumah some more... Hehe :p
So, I am so looking forward for you to be back home soon sis. Hehehe.. do remember to bring some goodies :p ya. Not that I mengharap lah, but If got something-something then sure syiok lor. aiyo... hehe. And we have made plans for our sister’s get together after you’re back. It not the same without you around now. Boring sangat.
About me! I am now officially and happily single... again! I’m probably too much for him to handle kot :p hehehe. Well, I’m sure my Mr. Right is out there somewhere. I just have to pray hard and hope the best for me. I just hope I will find someone who can understand and appreciate me for who I am. Managing a cracked relationship is just too hard to handle man.
My sweet lovely nephew Farhan turned 3 last week. Gosh! He’s a little fella with a very witty mouth.. very cute and adorable fella. He's more of the playful, suka cakap banyak person while the elder brother, Naveer is the more quite and serious one. It's always fun to have them around. You can sit and listen to them for hours. Gosh! being around them will take any pain away. Here’s some pictures of my heroes, Naveer & Farhan.. aren't they cute!!

Another family vacation, and this time we head south to Cameron Highlands. The cool breeze and the lush green surroundings were so inviting and I automatically felt in love with it. Who can ever resist being in such place. I wanna let the pictures I took do all the talking cos I really took alot of photos :p
I would love to go back there someday. Hm… Probably soon...

Well, that’s all for now. Will try to write soon.