It's been quite a busy month and it's going to remain busy until the end of the month. I have alot of things to update about but just can’t find the time to do so. By the time I finish work at around 6pm, I'm either exhausted or cranky, too lazy or feeling down and unhappy. And at that time, I just wanna go home.
My work… Hm… how shall I put it? Well, it’s not like how it used to be when my lady boss was around. Back then, work is still manageable even though sometimes it can be up till your neck and you can’t even find time to pee. Still, you’re always under control over your work, things get done in an orderly manner and if there’s any issue pertaining work, we can always bring it up with my lady boss. She’s always there to back us up, help us to escalate issues, advice us on what to do and she will always drive us to exceed in whatever we do. Now, we are kinda lost and still trying to figure out things … New takeover, new management, new rules, new procedure, new system, new plan, new DB, higher quota.. Sigh! These are just some of the changes… there’s more yet to come I think. We have internal meeting every week to discuss on issues and sales plan and for all I can see, these new strategic is kinda de-motivate us but no one’s willing to voice out. Well, I just hope things will turn out to be ok and I hope I will be able to withstand these changes. It’s best if you just work with the flow instead of standing there and complaining right. We just have to learn how to work smarter… :p
Despite all these hectic times, there were some good and happy occasions. Kak Idah finally finished her 8 sessions of chemotherapy. Great!! I accompanied her last week for an appointment and checkup with her Oncologist, Dr Kevin Hew and Cardiologist, Dr Goh EL. She had the 64-slice CT scan and the doctor says it shows good positive result. It was a big relief for me when I heard it. But unfortunately, it doesn’t end here as she will have to go through her 25 session of radiotherapy which starts next week. Sigh! But it’s not as worse as the chemo. I hope! Well, we were at the hospital since morning and by the time everything to finish, it was nearly 4pm. Hm… It’s so sad to see all those people walking by with sad and worried look on their face. I can imagine the pain and suffering they have to go through. Nurse Mary from the Oncologist clinic is a very friendly lady. She told us that on that day itself, there are 5 new case of breast cancer. Just imagine…. 5 new cases per day. Sigh! Cancer is becoming a common disease nowadays.
I am praying hard for Kak Idah speed recovery and hoping the best for her. Allah saja yang tahu how much I love her.
Well, gotta go now but there will be more updates coming up. I’ll update you on this good food place kak Ton took me to. I love the ambiance and the food there. The food price is quite reasonable and the place is great to hang out and relax.
More about it in my next update. I'll post some pictures too :p
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