Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday Blues..

Bored.. The one and simple word I can describe my mood today.. Though I was tied up with a lot of work today, but I dunno.. there was still this empty space in me. Life can be so unfair. Look at me, i'm 2* years old, still single while all my friends are getting married, having babies :p and enjoying life (I think). While I'm still here in my empty cubicle after work (alone as usual), listening to Daniel Beddingfield - If you're not the one.. feeling sorry for myself and waiting for a miracle to happen. Hrm! like that's for sure. Right! hey.. I don't wanna sound desperate. I'm doing fine being alone, minding my own thing, enjoying life with a *bling.. just like how Tara Banks said it.. "Go gurl.. get choself a *Bling".
It's not my time yet ( I suppose). Life is short.. enjoy what you can and pray to the Almighty. Something that I have to start doing ASAP.
Hurm.. called Uncle Guna today. Hehehe miss that fella alot la, miss the good old days when we used to work together at Intel. He's a great guy. Though sometimes he'll have this mood swings.. he won't talk much, he'll keep to himself. Hehe sorta like a tough shell to crack open, a person who's difficult to earn his trust. But I consider myself lucky to have a friend like him. A guy who knows how to respect women. Even my mum likes him. Gila-gila also at times. He's the only guy who earns my trust. I can trust him completely and someone I would call a true friend. However, Guna is kinda lazy at times. Just imagine, he owns 2 diploma, and I just came to know that he's working in a store with a monthly income of only 800 ringgit. Gila. Tak suka nak berusaha sikit. Tu la yang susah pasal uncle Guna nie. Now that he's married, he's carrying more responsibilities but i'm not sure he understands that and I just don't know how I can make him understand. Nak cakap dengan dia, takut tersinggung pulak. Susah betul nak pujuk dia nanti. Still, I'm taking effort to find for him a job. Just recommended him to this good place to work. Right here in Penang. Just told him to email his resume asap. I hope he'll put some effort into it. This is his future we're talking about and I'm worried sick for him. Now that i know he's earning so little for what he have studied for, I'm more worried for him pulak. And I’m kinda upset cos I feel like he has no interest in applying for this job. Well, maybe he’s not that worried as he’s kinda from a well off family. He’s father own a big business and he’s the eldest among 5 sons in the family. I’m sure he won’t be this relaxed if he was from a diffeent family background. What ever it is, it’s up to his hands now. A good guy like him deserves a good and secured future. Nice guys like him are very hard to find these days.

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