Waduh! lama benar aku tak update blog nie. hehehe. bukan nyer apa, malas jer. Kerja kat opis bagai nak rak. Macam nak pengsan.
Actually.. aku start blogging nie lepas tengok blog kawan aku nie. Dia nie punya la rajin. Kerap jugak dia nie update blog. But lately, dekat sebulan tak update.
Hrm.. Aku dah mula risau. Why is there no news from Zac. Especially, lepas raya nie. Langsung tak de khabar. Sms tak balas, email tak balas.. Something wrong somewhere ka?? atau caught up dgn wat kuih raya. hehehe.. Nak call tanya, nanti tak mau pulak dia ingat awat pulak aku nie concern sangat. Hrm... payah lar nak tunjuk yang kita nie concern. Especially to a guy. Mesti dia tersalah paham. Kerap jugak aku berada dalam situasi nie. So, kena berjaga-jaga. Tengok la, dalam 2-3 hari lagi, aku call dia.
Hrm.. about work
Alhamdullilah... aku dah boleh manage the workflow. Masa mula-mula kena promote dulu.. macam nak mampus lar. Karang nie.. i'm cool. Boleh la tahan. Nak kata dah expert in what I do, Hrm.. who am I to judge that. Like a wise man once said "No one's perfect"... Then again, I love this job. It's great and challenging. Banyak jugak yang aku belajar, berbagai jenis orang jugak yang aku dapat berkenalan. Hey! It's not easy to work in the Sales & Marketing department of a big company. Especially if you're the one who's managing the Sales Order Tracking for the whole Northern Region.... Fuhyooo!! Silap sikit, your neck's on the line. But, i'm surviving.. Starting to get the hang of it. Hrm... but it's be much better if my lady boss can loosen her grip over my neck abit. Gosh! what is it with these lady bosses... bukan nak kata.. lady boss lagi banyak control compared to guy. But what the heck, as long as I get my job done right!
About family..
Living life well and living it as naturally as possible.
About love life..
Still can't get over him. Especially since I came to know, he has found a 'someone' in life. I'm happy for him. Know that he's happy, makes me happy too. Mungkin sampai bila dia tak kan tau betapa sayang nyer aku kat dia. Betapa cinta nyer aku nie kat dia. Kalau lar dia tahu pun.. takut pulak nanti dia mejauhkan diri.. even worse.. menghilangkan diri terus.
Okie la.. nak ge sambung wat kerja. Hrm.. hope I can keep blogging kat sini..
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