Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Five (5) days without Ma

Maaaaaaaa... I miss you already :o(
Life can be so unfair. My mom won't be around today until Next Sunday.. (5 days, 4 nights). Apa lagi, pe berjalan dengan wapa. Bawah pulak budak2 nie dengan budak Pezal tue. Kalu la budak Pezal tue tak ikut, dah lama dah aku join sekali. I called mak just now to check where she is. They’ve reached lumut, checking into a hotel. Huh (Sigh)…. That’s my dad. Always goes for the cheapest hotel he can find. Apa salahnyer berbelanja lebih sikit. Bagi la bebudak tue dgn mak dok dalam bilik hotel yang better sikit. Entah la, sesetengah orang susah nak bagi paham.. Especially org yang senior who thinks that everything he does is absolutely right! I pity my mum.. She just came back from Gunung Jerai, the tiredness still have not worn off, now she have to travel all the way to Pangkor with wapa pulak.
What is wrong if he tells his plans earlier? It’s ok for wapa to do his plans last minutes.. But he will surely give a piece of his mind if we do that. “You people are very difficult to talk to, you should put your priorities straight, you should not do everything at the very last minute..” biasa la.. Selalu jugak dengan Wapa nasihat macam nie.

Mak, Wapa, Ijah, Min, Fara and budak Pezal tue are on a 5days 4nights vacation. They’re going to visit Jailah mama at pangkor, then off to lost world of Tambun. Pas tue singgah pulak kat Cameron. Hehehe.. I miss the good old days when we use to follow my dad on these crazy tours.. He will drive us all across Malaysia and make stops at all these interesting places along the way. It was really gr8 back then. Whoa.. penah sekali tue, after my SPM.. dad took us on a road trip to Melaka. The longest trip we’re ever went.. 12 days and 11 nights.. at first we planned to travel for only 10days.. but terdrag la pulak. Hehehe. Though he accommodate us in one of the cheapest hotel he could find, but it was not that bad. It was still nice and cozy. From Melaka, we drive down to Seremban to Makcik Kayron’s house. Bangalow besar you!! :p then From Seremban to Cameron, KL, pe Sunway Lagoon then singgah Taiping.. Bukit Merah.. sebelum balik. Whoa!! Masa tue memang best giler. The last trip I went together dad is to Langkawi.. tue pun melalui koperasi.. lead by the President.. En Gause Bawang.. (hahaha.. tue nama org panggil dia sebab last time bapak dia used to sell bawang kat market).. hehe.. Entah la, mak yang kata.. (tak baik btul) Masa tue pun best jugak.. We went by flight. First time aku naik flight.. masa umor 18 tahun pulak tue :p… Guess what.. First timer terpaksa dok sebelah bapak.. Pe dgn mak, kak sida, Ijah.. masa tue Ijah still kat Nursery lagi. Hehehe.. budak tue biasalar.. tergedik2 nak ikut kami pe mana pun. Maklumlah, cucu pertama. Masa tue, Ceh! Kak Sida yang dah kerja.. belum kawin lagi.. still single, bergaya.. karang nie mak dah ada anak 2. Amboih! Enjoy sakan.. Aku dgn kak Sida dok sebilik.

Hurh… (Sigh!) Kak Bed kan teman aku malam mak tak de kat rumah nie. She volunteered. Lagipun, aku pun tak berani nak tido kat rumah sorang2. She has already made plans.. you know lar.. kak Bed (A person who wants everything to go according to her way.. Nie la org kata mana nak tumpah kuahnyer kalu tak ke Nasi.. tiru perangai Wapa sikit) She’s a person who speaks “Hey! It’s either my way.. or highway..” Not all that bad. I owe her big time. She has don’t a lot for me .. Really a lot… compared to any other people in the workd.. including mak. Aku banyak terhutang budi kat dia. Dia banyak jaga aku. Hrm.. maybe it’s becos of the age thing.. She’s 16 years elder to me. So, she’s kinda like a mum to me too. That’s why maybe she thinks she kinda have control over me. Tapi kekadang tue, terlalu control, terlalu kawal sangat until sometimes I won’t have space to breathe. Tapi I don’t want to complain.. at least someone cares so much for me.. too much in fact :p

Okie.. gotta go.. Nie la org kata curi tulang.. mentang2 boss ge Haji.. hehehe..

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Beautiful Gunung Jerai

Elo.. Let me tell you about my trip to Gunung Jerai last week Friday.

It was gr8. I went there with my family. Spend 3 days 2 nights there doing.. Nothing. haha.. Just relaxing ourselves la. Taking a break from our hectic work lifes. Bukan ada apa nak tengok kat situ pun. Except for the great view of that place.. the green lush of the forest and of cos, Wild boars. First time aku tengok babi hutan, up close and personal. Tapi babi nie keluar malam jer.. Ada jugak aku tengok beruk. Hahaha.. macam lar tak penah tengok kat Botanical Garden kat sini.. tapi beruk2 nie memang giant size.. aku tengok dari jauh jer, tapi nampak macam besar sangat. I kept my distance from these animals..
Memang murah betul Chalet kat situ. Chalet yang kami stay in is called Melati. Dekat jugak dgn car park.. kalu tak, merangkak la bawak barang banyak tue nak panjat. Maklum lar.. makanan kat resort tue tak menyelerakan sangat. Tak cukup tue, mahal pulak. Satu pinggan nasi goreng RM6.. Mana nak pada makan sekeluarga kami.. hehe :p jimat2 lar sikit kan, so kami bawak makanan sendiri..

1st Day
Friday, 24th Nov 2006

Keluar rumah dalam pukul 10pagi.. Hrmm, singgah pulak kat Carefour sebab mak nak beli something. Tapi cepat jugak kami sampai ke puncak Gunung Jerai. We were there at about 12pm. Heh..heh..heh.. as usual, aku dengan abang Ipar aku la yang drive. Kami pe 2 kereta. Terkemut-kemut kereta aku naik jalan cerun Gunung tue. Selekoh dia tajam dan tinggi.. For those who have drive down there.. you guys should know what I mean. But for me it was ok, It was not my first time there. Kerap jugak kami sekeluarga ge situ.. and aku penah jugak bawak kereta naik atas puncak beberapa kali.. ok! Where was I…
Now, the best part of all.. we get to choose what chalet we wanted.. hahaha.. aku dgn abg ipar aku sibuk lar pe cari mana Chalet kesukaan hati.. We chose the one near to the parking lot. Okie jugak Chalet dia.. RM100 pernight. 2 rooms… But I tell you, the maintenance is damn poor. Teruk betul they all simpan chalet2 tue.. eeee.. Sepanjang aku kat situ, tak duduk langsung atas cushion dia.. Just imagine the worse state la.. Tapi nak wat macam mana, bukan nyer ada tempat lain atau resort lain yang kami leh ge tinggal.. patut pun murah gilar.
We had a good time still.. masak.. makan.. bersembang.. jalan2.. The kids were having so much fun compared to us adults.. Hrm.. Dalam kul 5.30ptg tue.. dah boleh nampak kabus.. dalam kul 6ptg tue.. the place was completely covered in mist. Sejuk giler.. hhehe.. best betul.. We went our for a stroll in the cold icy air and sat in front of the resort reception house looking down at kedah. Cantik gilar.. Aku ada jugak tangkap beberapa keping gambar, but can download them at the moment.
Malam aku tak leh tidur, sebab tak selesa tidur tak beralas tilam.. hehehe.. I was half awake the whole night. Ada tak nyer, dah la susah nak tidur, baru nak lelap mata, aku aku mintak set alarm for her.. Hrm.. then again.. nak tertidur.. akak aku pulak gerak suruh tukar tempat tidur.. okie fine.. then the third time pulak, my eldest sister.. woke me up cos there was no electricity. Not that I can do anything about it, still.. she got panicked (as usual) and wake me up like there was an earthquake. Gosh!!! There goes my sleep.. Aku macam tidur ayam the whole night.

Day 2
Saturday, 25th November 2006

Woke up in the morning with a huge migraine. Thanks to my wonderful mom and sis.. It was so nice of them.. Awgh!!! $*@#*$!
But thank god I had Panadol ActiveFast, I was back to myself again in less then an hour. Had a big breakfast.. Nasi goreng dgn sausage.. with kopi susu.. hehehe.. Can you guys imagine now what we brought over for food! Hehe.. We even had ulam pucuk ubi kayu, kangkung, kacang botol and timun with sambal belacan lagi.. haha.. memang well prepared. Dok lagi seminggu kat atas tue pun still can survive. My family… my family.. what will I do without them.
Kami turun ge Air terjun tue.. Air terjun tak jumpa, tahi babi hutan yang jumpa.. Bok penat jer. Masa turun tue memang tak rasa penat.. laju lagi ada lar.. Masa nak naik tue, fuhyoo.. I was actually dragging myself up the slope. There were damn steep. Sampai jerk at atas, rasa macam nak pengsan. That was It.. My last try out! Penah jugak aku turun ke bawah Air terjun tue. Tapi masa tue aku kecik lagi. The night went was usual but it was not as cool as the previous day.

Day 3
Sunday, 26th November 2006

Time to go home.. but we checked out at around 2pm only.. hehe.. kautim la. Hrm.. Masa nak turun tue rasa macam sedih jer. The excitement is no longer there. I was feeling like I was leaving something behind.. It was sad… I loved the place.. Even though the chalets were lousy.. but it’s was the whole scenery and the place itself that makes me want to come back again some day. I will.. maybe not at the nearer time.. but I will someday. Maybe with my future husband :p.. hehehe gatai.

Well.. I better get back home. It has started to rain here and I’m left all alone in the office.. again!! These people will simply leave without checking out who’s left back. ^*#%#$@ hehe.. then again, I’m one of them sometimes.. hehe :p

P/S : Just came to know that blog is actually spelled as B Log.. not blog. Hehe.. get what I mean.

Adios sa..

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sorry for the break *:o)

Waduh! lama benar aku tak update blog nie. hehehe. bukan nyer apa, malas jer. Kerja kat opis bagai nak rak. Macam nak pengsan.
Actually.. aku start blogging nie lepas tengok blog kawan aku nie. Dia nie punya la rajin. Kerap jugak dia nie update blog. But lately, dekat sebulan tak update.
Hrm.. Aku dah mula risau. Why is there no news from Zac. Especially, lepas raya nie. Langsung tak de khabar. Sms tak balas, email tak balas.. Something wrong somewhere ka?? atau caught up dgn wat kuih raya. hehehe.. Nak call tanya, nanti tak mau pulak dia ingat awat pulak aku nie concern sangat. Hrm... payah lar nak tunjuk yang kita nie concern. Especially to a guy. Mesti dia tersalah paham. Kerap jugak aku berada dalam situasi nie. So, kena berjaga-jaga. Tengok la, dalam 2-3 hari lagi, aku call dia.

Hrm.. about work
Alhamdullilah... aku dah boleh manage the workflow. Masa mula-mula kena promote dulu.. macam nak mampus lar. Karang nie.. i'm cool. Boleh la tahan. Nak kata dah expert in what I do, Hrm.. who am I to judge that. Like a wise man once said "No one's perfect"... Then again, I love this job. It's great and challenging. Banyak jugak yang aku belajar, berbagai jenis orang jugak yang aku dapat berkenalan. Hey! It's not easy to work in the Sales & Marketing department of a big company. Especially if you're the one who's managing the Sales Order Tracking for the whole Northern Region.... Fuhyooo!! Silap sikit, your neck's on the line. But, i'm surviving.. Starting to get the hang of it. Hrm... but it's be much better if my lady boss can loosen her grip over my neck abit. Gosh! what is it with these lady bosses... bukan nak kata.. lady boss lagi banyak control compared to guy. But what the heck, as long as I get my job done right!

About family..
Living life well and living it as naturally as possible.

About love life..
Still can't get over him. Especially since I came to know, he has found a 'someone' in life. I'm happy for him. Know that he's happy, makes me happy too. Mungkin sampai bila dia tak kan tau betapa sayang nyer aku kat dia. Betapa cinta nyer aku nie kat dia. Kalau lar dia tahu pun.. takut pulak nanti dia mejauhkan diri.. even worse.. menghilangkan diri terus.

Okie la.. nak ge sambung wat kerja. Hrm.. hope I can keep blogging kat sini..