There's no serious reason for my long absense. I was just to tied up with work.. again and just can't find the time to update my blog.
Huh! lot of things happened in this past few days. Some are bad.. some are got.. and there are worse cases. Aduh! how can I describe? If I were to put all this in writing.. then I dunno if I'll have enough space. Hehe. Just have to make it simpler I guess.
Some of the good things...
I've lost 10kg in 2 months. Yeaaaa.. hehe. Huh! I still have a long way to go. I can't stop here for sure. Need to gain my old weight back. It's not that my old weight is a dream weight.. but still, I did feel good during that time. Still, I want to reduce more if I can. So Allah, Please help me.
I bought a new phone.. yes! yes! yes! Say helo to my new NOKIA N73. Yeah babe! Syok giler aku. For the first time, I bought an expensive HP. Aku bukan nyer apa. Suka features dia. At first I was thinking to buy a sony erission phone with cybershot. Looks cool too. Tapi kan dah pernah guna cap sony, and I think sony is not that compatible as Nokia. Besides bettery dia cepat sungguh kong. Leceh betul I kena charge everyday.. even if I didn't use it to the max. Tapi masak jugak la duit aku. Cost me about 1.8K I know, really crazy. But, what the heck! I love it and that's all that matters. Duit bila pun boleh cari. Bukan nya aku tak nak simpan. Kalu bukan aku nak enjoy sekarang, bila lagi.